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27 November 2007

Post a video to your blog from YouTube

Are you a video blogger?!.. Now you can easly post YouTube videos to your blogs. All you need to do is set up your YouTube account to post videos to your blog using the "Share" button. You'll enter your Blogger information once, and from then on it's one-click sharing from any YouTube video page!

Steps for One-Click Video Sharing:

If you post YouTube videos to your blog regularly, sharing directly from YouTube is even easier and you'll only have to set it up once.

1. Click the "Share" button on the YouTube video's page
2. Scroll down and click "Setup your blog for video posting."
3. Click "Add a Blog/Site"
4. Choose "Blogger" as your Blog Service and fill in your Google Account login information.
5. Choose which blogs you'd like to add to your YouTube account. You can choose more than one.
6. From now on, when you click "Share", you'll be given the option to post YouTube videos directly to your blogs!

[Via: Blogger Buzz]

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