If you like, you can freely download here, Follow the instructions before install, also check here for how to install a blogger template.
HTML1 - the horizontal top menu
HTML2 - the Search Box
HTML3 - About me section (optional)
Use following code for navigation link
<li><a href="http://YOUR-BLOG-NAME.blogspot.com/">Home</a></span></li>
<li><a href="#" title="About">About</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="Page 1">Page 1</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="Page 2">Page 2</a></li>
Use Following code for Search form or Please refer to this article here to add search form in your template.
<form id="searchform" action="http://YOUR-BLOG-NAME.blogspot.com/search" name="searchform" method="get">
<input id="s" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Search ...'){this.value = '';}" value="Search ..." name="q" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'Search ...';}" type="text"/>
<input id="sbutt" value="Search" type="submit"/>
To have a date like on the demo site, then your blog post time stamp must be set on this format
"Thursday, January 12, 2007" Please refer to this article here (date format on blogger) to make sure that you set the right date.
As usual I included all images and Javascript file in the download package. If you have any issue in installing this template or just want a help please feel free to drop me a comment or drop me an email using the contact form.
Download Wordpress theme or view demo here.
Don't forget to subscribe to my RSS feed or by Email. We will release a new beautiful blogger template every week!.
Hi, thanks for this template, it's very nice!
I've started using it today (on http://calculemus.blogspot.com), and after I added links to the header navi, it didn't align properly in Firefox (when the navi was clear, it was ok). Do you know what causes this, and what should I do?
Thanks a lot!
I forgot to add: in IE it works just fine.
Hi Stefan Ionescu,
I checked ur blog its fine in Firefox. I think you using remember password in Firefox. Logout and check again.
Right, that was it! Thanks a lot, and sorry for bothering you!
Thanks a lot. It's a very nice theme!.
thanks for this great template dude~ :3
cool design, i like it
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