Orkut finally increased the number of recent profile visitors. Now you'll see your ten most recent profile visitors instead of five.

If you'd rather no one saw whose profiles you've been visiting, you can go to "settings" and click on the privacy tab to opt out.
orkut Blog: Now see 10 recent profile visitors!]
Its a gud u know as i can know who r interested in me.
@Suditi, Yes... thats why Orkut increased profile visitors count.
suditi, i want to meet u
"A friend in need is a friend in deed" so first find out the true person before making any further communication for friendship.
i m nt getting recent visited people name even though my show profile visit is on..plz gv me sugggestion what to do in order to get d people's name..
same problem neha is having again? could somebody tell us what is wrong
I think you disabled "show profile visits". in your settings. Enable it to get recent profile visit. Just follow this instructions:
1. Go to Settings
2. Go to Privacy tab
3. and click "show profile visits" check box
4. Click Save.
5. Done!.
even if it is enabled am not able to view recent visitors, i also have a same problem pls help
pls suggest regarding the recent visitors enabling process and also confirm how long will it take to enable and when can we see the visitors if it is enabled
after how much time orkut updates the 'recent visitors' list?? sometimes it shows yesterday's visitors count as 0 but it shows new names in the 'recent visitors' list....
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