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26 December 2007

Personas lightweight theme for Firefox

Mozilla Labs released Personas for Firefox.

Personas for Firefox is a extension that adds lightweight theming to your browser.

Personas is a prototype that builds upon the ideas that:

* themes today are too hard to find, install and use
* graphic designers should be able to style the browser without having to code
* browsers can be more than just desktop software, they can include online components
* people just want their computer to be a little more fun and personal


* You can select a Persona from the dynamic menus and see results instantly without having to discover, select, download or install a separate bit of software or code.
* Personas can be added, removed or updated by their designers at any time, without requiring a software update.

Get Personas for Firefox

  • Install Now for Firefox 2.0.0.* - 3.0b2pre, Windows/Mac/Linux
    Compatible with the default themes that ship with Firefox
Get Firefox | Install Personas


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